Regular Investment Plan
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Client shall enter into Portfolio Management Services agreement with minimum participatory amount of NPR 3 Lakhs. The client can invest but is under no obligation to make further investment. The following products are available under this scheme.


Prudent portfolio implies greater allocation of fund toward liquid investment with lower allocation toward risky securities. A prudent portfolio is appropriate for an investor who is passive, nearing retirement and emotional. Therefore, conservative investor who is looking for stable return with lower risk would opt for this product. This product is conventional in the sense that it emphasizes on passive approach to managing portfolios.


Balanced portfolio entails roughly equal allocation toward risky securities and lower risk instruments. A balanced portfolio is appropriate for an investor who has the capacity to bear risk but shies away from taking risk. Such an investor is quick to follow the latest fad and is interested in preservation of capital. Therefore, moderately conservative investor who is looking for healthy return but lower risk would go for this product. With regard to the portfolio management approach, this product places emphasis on semi active approach.

Value Growth

In value growth portfolio, a large chuck of fund is allocated to value stocks and a tiny fragment is allocated to cash. This portfolio is appropriate for those investors who base their decisions on facts and not on emotions. They exhibit trait of independence and are able to withstand a massive loss in value. Since the focus is on both capital growth and income generation, active approach is the way to go about managing this portfolio.

Equity Growth

The asset allocation in equity growth portfolio isidentical to that of value growth product but the key difference is that here the emphasis is on picking stocks with volatile return as opposed to value stocks. This product is a right fit for investors who are emotional in their temperament and have high willingness to take risks. Since this product is highly aggressive with key emphasis on return generation, active approach is pursued in managing the portfolio.

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